Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Personal ordinariates and all that...

Well, things are getting interesting.
What interests me in particular is if this is going to cause any one to reconsider their position, or will individuals just go on case hardening their prejudice.
Personally I have wavered and wavered over the issue of ordination of women to the priesthood although w.r.t. women bishops it has always seemed wrong. But this initiative from Benedict XVI has quite taken my breath away.
The joy of ending near 500 years of schism!
Surely every ecumenically minded Anglican must see that unity is actually on offer.
This must be the greatest consideration of all. Our Lord prayed that we should be one. For us not to be, would be to go against our Lord's wishes.

I just wonder how all this is going to turn out?

Monday, 28 September 2009

28 September 2009

Seem to be suffering from something of a creativity block. Somehow I can't get excited much about either theology or photography. Part of the problem are our two cats.
Over the past year or so Sarah and I have been persistently pestered by our kids - especially child 1 to have a cat. Finally we relented as agreed and so about ten days ago went to the local cat rescue and, after due process, have 'adopted' two moggies - a ginger tom (Marmaduke) and a black female (Pepper). As the cats are new to us, and we to the cats, we were told that the cats had to stay in for three weeks. Now pussy base is the utility room which leads to garage wherein is the darkroom - my sanctum sanctorum . For ten or so days I've been pretty much deprived of a necessary whiff of fixer. Any way, it should not be too long now before I can properly reclaim the darkroom and garage whence the cats are let out to terrorize the neighbourhood.
On the other hand, yesterday was good. Child 1 and I did some sunprints using some old Kentona paper, and I also made some real progress in making an 8x10 pinhole camera.

Monday, 14 September 2009

14 Septermber 2009

Morning spent writing my monthly bit for the parish mag.
Afternoon spent in the primary school doing a bit of teaching.
Then a meeting at the school concerning their link with a school in Malawi.

We (that is to say, my family) have decided to have a cat/kitten for a pet - so have spent more time than I ought to have looking at cat rescue web-sites.

Have also been looking at my RB67 light seals. They have all gone gooey and need to be replaced, which will be a nice little job for a wet afternoon.

13 September 2009

After the usual Sunday morning things and some rather excellent roast bacon family and I went to Wadhurst village hall to pick-up the art we brought as mutual Christmas presents (yes it is a bit early but it was the best excuse for the extravagance). Sarah and I are really pleased with them. They are both by the same artist and are lino-cuts - one of a hare, the other of an owl. We were both taken by the composition and vibrant colour - indeed Sarah has decided that she is going to have a go at print making.

Going to small village art exhibitions is nearly always great fun. Okay, there is much that is at best indifferent, but some is truly excellent. It always inspires me with my photography.

I really must get on with the 10x8 pinhole camera I'm making.
I really must give gum printing another go.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

12 September 2009

I do like Saturdays. The relaxed start to the day, the extra hour in bed. That we don't have to get the children off to school and all that. Nevertheless it is not a totally free day for me by any means. First of all there is the run to the piano teacher for daughter no. 1. Then off to the church to do the marriage registers. Pick up daughter from piano lesson. Back home prepare for wedding, prepare for Sunday, Have lunch, then off to church at 1 p.m. to get church ready for 2 p.m. wedding.

At 1:45 church is filling up nicely, 2 p.m. await bride who is bang on time (RAF family). And what a nice wedding too (I've seen all sorts I can tell you). I suppose today's was as close to text book as they get.

After wedding off to the reception for a polite glass of fizzy stuff - a quick chat and then back home.

On arriving home sons 1 & 2 have made a camp fire in the scrappy part of the garden so Sarah (wife) suggests that we have our dinner out side by the fire. As we are to have sausages and beans it all seems quite appropriate. So dinner round the camp fire followed by toasted marsh mallows.

Kids to bed and now it's time for beer.